Malioboro Area Jogja

Who doesn't know the Malioboro area of ​​Jogja? This area is the heart of the city as well as a symbol of the city of Yogyakarta. Even some people feel incomplete when they come to Jogja, have not stopped by Malioboro. But behind the privilege there is a long history of Malioboro.

History says that it started with the existence of the Yogyakarta Palace in the 18th century, Jalan Malioboro Jogja was still an unnamed dirt road. The road is connected between the Yogyakarta Palace and the Golog-gilig Monument in a straight line with Mount Merapi. Right and left are mostly villages.

According to Prof. Djoko Suryo, a historian, said that from the beginning there were Beringharjo and Kepatihan markets. However, since the existence of the railroad and Tugu Station this area has become crowded because it is used as a central transportation in and out of Jogja.

Malioboro Night

Indeed, Yogyakarta offers a lot of beauty that has no end. Many know as Malioboro Jogja because of the many kinds of tours in the form of charming beaches and also history and culture. No wonder many people miss the beauty of Jogja.

Enjoying the beauty of Jogja when dusk begins to sink until the evening, the charm of this Gudeg City has just begun. So, don't rush home if you haven't felt the beauty of Jogja at night. Come on! there are some interesting tours around Malioboro Jogja, see the following.

1. Beringharjo Market

It's not complete if you come to Malioboro Jogja without buying souvenirs at the shopping center, namely Beringharjo Market. Batik clothes and fabrics are the main attraction for tourists. Not only batik clothes and fabrics but also masks, bracelets and other souvenirs are available.

The location is still close to Malioboro to the south, namely Vredeburg fort. The parking location is also wide enough for 4-wheeled and 2-wheeled vehicles, so it is ready to accommodate many tourist vehicles.

2. Siti Dzirjanah Mosque

This magnificent mosque is located at Jalan Margomulyo no 25. This mosque stands 12 meters high on the west side of Maloboro Jogja, between the Soenardi batik shops and the electronics stores. Until now, it is still crowded with tourists and the local community.

The Chinese-style building style is a special feature for this magnificent building. The facade of the mosque is also affixed with Chinese writing which means mosque. Underneath there is a giant clock that is circular in shape, while the ridge is like a temple.

3. Hamzah Batik

Hamzah Batik is one of the most visited places by tourists in Malioboro Jogja. The center of the world of batik and souvenirs is here! there are so many kinds of batik that are ready to make you confused to choose it. The problem of material quality is of course good and competitive.

4. Benteng Vrederburg

The Vrederbug Fort Museum is located on Jalan Margo Mulyo / Jalan A Yani No. 6, ngupasin gondomanan Yogyakarta. More precisely at the zero kilometer of Jogja. Until now this place is still maintained the authenticity of the structure of the building, is one of the historical evidence of the Dutch colonial heritage.

5. Smart Garden

Malioboro Jogja also has a tourist attraction called Taman Pintar. This place is quite beautiful at night. Indeed, apart from being known as a cultural city, it is also known as a student city.

When you enter this tour you will be amazed by the available rides. Indeed, this place is made specifically for family and toddler tourism. There are many features in this place. Come and prove it!

6. Km Zero Jogja

The center of Malioboro Jogja is in this place, many people call it the zero kilometer area of ​​Jogja. Because this location is the center of the city of Yogyakarta. If you come here it is recommended at night because this place is very romantic and cool.

It is a privilege for you to come to this place because of the beauty of the city at night. There is nothing wrong if you go to Jogja, stop by here to enjoy the zero kilometer view of Jogja. You can park your vehicle at the Vredeburg fort or the Jogja post office which is opposite.

7. Sonobudoyo Museum

Another tourist spot near Malioboro Jogja, the Sonobudoyo Museum, has the task of managing, developing archaeological collections, providing educational guidance and documenting the history of antiquities that have high cultural value.

Permanent exhibition shows at the Sonobudoyo Museum:

– Tuesday – Thursday 08:00 – 15:30 WIB

– Friday 08:00 – 14:00 WIB

– Saturday and Sunday 08:00 – 15:30 WIB

– Closed Mondays and public holidays or public holidays .

8. Alun-Alun

The square is a special place for tourism around Malioboro Jogja at night. It's a perfect place to hang out with family and friends with a special menu of grilled corn and wedang ronde making the atmosphere relaxed.

History says there is a belief that if you cover your eyes with a black cloth and then pass between two twin banyan trees, if you have a wish and are able to pass it without turning a corner, it is said that the wish will come true.

9. Car Museum

There are many historical collections belonging to the Sultan's Palace in the form of a horse-drawn carriage which used to be the main vehicle in the Keraton environment. There are many privileges in this place because you can see historical relics that are still neatly guarded.

Although historical chariots are still often used in royal ceremonies, such as the Sultan's coronation ceremony, the marriage of the Sultan's son or taking the Sultan's body to his final resting place.

The entry ticket is enough for 5,000 thousand and an additional camera ticket costs 1,000 thousand. You can already see and can witness directly 23 ancient trains including Kanjeng Nyai Jimad's train, Garuda Yeksa Train and many others.

10. Yogyakarta Palace

The Yogyakarta Palace is located on Jalan Rotowjayan Block No.1, Panembahan Keraton Yogyakarta. More precisely in the south of Jalan Malioboro. Until now, this place has been used as a favorite tourist spot for tourists who come to Malioboro Jogja.

This magnificent Yogyakarta Palace has a history of the privilege of Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat. The entrance counter is open from 09:00 – 14:00 and the entrance ticket for local tourists is 7,500 and foreign tourists are 15,000. 1000 camera tickets and 2,500 to 50,000 guide tipping.

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